The overarching goal of this assignment was to assist the Government of Azerbaijan (GoAz) in the development and introduction of a proper system for monitoring and evaluation of the health system reforms, which will enable the GoAz to assess the appropriateness, effectiveness and impact of reform initiatives and apply necessary corrections of the reform course and/or initiate new initiatives based on the sound evidence.
The major outcome of the technical assistance provided by the CGC team was the development of a comprehensive Health System Performance Framework (HSPF) custom tailored to country needs and preferences, with a national Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy that allows:
- Obtaining reliable information on health system performance in an efficient manner;
- Assessing a progress toward health system reform objectives and performance targets;
- Analyzing challenges, shortcomings and achievements of the health system development;
- Developing policy recommendations based on the evidence to inform the GoAZ on necessary improvements of the health care system.
Actual services provided:
- Initial assessment of the current M&E system:
- Review current M&E practices and health sector reform priorities based on available legislation, reform plans and reports assessing Azerbaijana’s health care system;
- In depth interviews with key decision makers and technical personnel to confirm strengths and weaknesses in current M&E practices;
- Summarize and present to stakeholders how HSPA fits into the health care reform process of AZE and current M&E practices.
- Develop of a conceptual framework for Health System Performance Assessment:
- Develop country specific health system performance framework options taking into account reform priorities, available indicators and data quality/validity issues;
- Develop the document describing the conceptual framework and train MoH staff on indicator selection based on HSPF and standard criteria.
- Develop a set of HSPA indicators:
- Consultative revision of the selected performance indicators based on standard criteria, short, medium and long term characteristics;
- Train staff on developing indicator passports;
- Supervise the development of HSPA indicator manual.
- Develop the overall M&E strategy: design of a detailed work plan (M&E plan), including schedule and mechanism for updating performance information, the core information needs, data collection mechanisms, tools and procedures, the requirements for collecting baseline data in close collaboration with responsible agencies/actors.
- Develop a National Health System Performance Assessment report format and produce first report.
- Capacity building of the Ministry of Health through training and mentorship of the respective staff.