Public health/programmatic, and Monitoring and Evaluation services to PricewaterhouseCooper country Local Fund Agent (LFA) teams

As a member of the PricewaterhouseCoopers Local Fund Agent (LFA) country teams, the CGC team was in charge of programmatic aspects and performance monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Global Fund HIV and Tuberculosis grants in Moldova, Ukraine, Montenegro, and Romania.

The CGC team, as an integral part of PricewaterhouseCoopers LFA country teams, provided a wide range of services, including:

  • Reviewed and validated relevant HIV and TB programmatic sections of the country progress update and disbursement requests and contributed regularly to the finalization of relevant sections of LFA reports
  • Conducted on-Side Data Verification (OSDV) and Rapid Service Quality Assessments (RSQA) for HIV and TB grants
  • Customized methodology (such as an assessment of HIV continuum of care) in response to the Global Fund request and conducted different evaluations, including in-country field trips / facility or service delivery assessments.
  • Provided advice or inputs to the LFA team as needed in response to ad-hoc requests of the Global Fund country teams.