Health Sector Strategy Development in Tajikistan

These consultancy services aimed to support the formulation of health sector strategy and ensure government ownership of the Strategy and the process.

The CGC team (sub-contracted by YozuMannanion Limited/UK) was responsible to:

  • Ensure development and agreement of the Strategy’s mission, goals, and objectives based on the health system’s values in Tajikistan and clear sector priorities.
  • Ensure coordination with the wider national development processes and comply with the existing sub-sector strategies and other project reviews, studies, and evidence.
  • Ensure the development and agreement of an action plan for Strategy implementation.
  • Ensure close collaboration and coordination with the MTEF project team, preparing the ground for a future full-fledged strategy costing.
  • Ensure the development and agreement of a monitoring framework for assessing the implementation of the Strategy by identifying critical assumptions and risks and appraising the change needed to achieve the objectives in each area.
  • Ensure the development and agreement of a monitoring framework for developing the health sector strategy composed of a relatively compact set of indicators to assess progress against set results.
  • Regularly inform the Steering Committee on work progress and convene relevant sector stakeholders to agree further on the findings, priorities, and steps in each sector/sub-sector.
  • Advocate for the Strategy and coordinate all related activities, including the consultation and dissemination process.
  • Consolidate, compile and summarize the work done by the Working Groups into a single high-quality document. The final strategy document was expected to describe the process consistently, the situation analysis, priorities based on the system values, and the action/operational plan.