CGC conducted an independent mid-term review (MTR) of TB in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Project on Strengthening Health Systems for effective TB and Drug-Resistant (DR)-TB Care (TB-REP Project), funded by the Global Fund (GF) and implemented by Centre for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center).
TB-REP Project is implemented in eleven countries with high incidence of TB in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
The CGC team of evaluators developed a review methodology (including data sources, data collection methods, tools, country sampling methodology, stakeholder map, implementation schedule, desk review and data analysis framework and final report outline) based on an evaluability assessment and preliminary review of background documents.
The team collected information through a desk review and in-depth interviews with key informants in each country, and the preliminary findings were processed, analyzed, and discussed with in-country stakeholders. Two country missions were conducted (in Belarus and Georgia) for additional data collection and consultations with in-country stakeholders.
The team developed a tool for analyzing project effectiveness to an expected shift in the flow of patients with TB from inpatient to outpatient care.