The goal of the assignment was to assist the Government of Tajikistan in capacity building of the Ministry of Health through the provision of trainings in healthcare finance management.
CGC as a sub-contractor under Mott MacDonald Limited, trading as HLSP, was required to develop modules of training: (i) for training of trainers, and modules for (ii) purchasers of health services, (iii) providers of PHC services and (iv) providers of hospital services.
Actual services provided:
- Development of the modules for training of trainers who will conduct trainings in practical skills development of Oblast Health Departments (OHD) in introduction of purchaser functions; PHC per-capita financing and Basic Benefit Packages (BBP), and introduction of case-based payments in hospitals, introduction of co-payments under BBP.
- Development of the module for training of managers of the rayon health facilities, including PHC managers, Rural Head Doctors, the Directors of specialized centres, PHC accountants and economists at the primary level.
- Development of the module for training of RCH (Rayon Central Hospitals) Head Doctors, RCH Deputy Head Doctors supervising hospitals, dispensaries with in-patient departments, RCH chief accountants and economists, the accountants of autonomous health facilities.
- Development and preparation of training materials for trainees.
- Together with the Tajik State National University developing the curriculum and the nationwide health management training plan in health manager’s training.
- Conduct the practical trainings at the purchaser and provider level in 2-4 pilot rayons of Sughd and Khatlon Oblasts