Years 2011

Support to the Ministry of Health of Montenegro in strengthening the primary healthcare services for children, including costing

Montenegro / Home visiting, Human resources in health, Primary health care / Applied Research, Costing and budgeting, Modeling

The assignment aimed to help the Ministry of Health (MoH) strengthen the capacities of the primary health care system in Montenegro to enable equitable (including gender equity and disadvantaged populations) access to health protection for all children in Montenegro. The CGC team accomplished the following objectives set by the UNICEF country office in Montenegro: Analyze […]


Technical support to UNICEF Tajikistan Country Office in preparation of project proposal for the ADB Maternal and Child Health Project in Tajikistan

Tajikistan / Maternal and child health / Project/proposal development

The purpose of this assignment was to support the UNICEF country office in developing a project proposal based on the requirements of the Request for Proposal provided to UNICEF by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Population (MOHSPP) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The assignment was expected to be delivered in close […]


Support to Kosovo health authorities in institutionalizing health expenditure tracking based on SHA 2011 methodology

Kosovo / Health Accounts /

The World Health Organization (WHO) provided technical support to the Member States to institutionalize health expenditure tracking by (a) producing health account (HA) studies, including disease expenditure, based on the revised System of Health Accounts methodology 2011 (SHA 2011) and (b) informing national health policies. Based on the request from Kosovo[1] authorities, the WHO offices […]


Technical Assistance to define implementation arrangements for a sustainable HIV prevention program in Montenegro

Montenegro / HIV & AIDS / Evaluation, Facilitation, Planning

Montenegro has institutionalized a pioneer mechanism for sustainable HIV prevention since 2018: the new law on NGOs (effective from January 2018) enabled the health authorities to contract out preventive services to NGOs targeting the key and vulnerable populations (KVPs) Budget and allocate financing to HIV preventive services implemented by the selected NGOs each year) The […]


Healthcare Financing Progress Matrix (HFPM) Country Application and Capacity building in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan / Health Care Financing / Evaluation, Health Financing Progress Matrix (HFPM)

In 2019, Kazakhstan piloted compulsory social health insurance in the Karaganda region, and from January 2020, the new system, comprised of two health benefits packages, has been launched throughout the country. The country expressed interest in a holistic assessment of the effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and resilience of the health financing in the country and capacity […]


Technical assistance to implement the health financing reform project in the Republic of Karakalpakstan

Uzbekistan / Health Care Financing, Health financing reforms, Primary health care / Capacity building, Evaluation, Modeling, Planning

Uzbekistan has embarked on comprehensive and far-reaching reforms of its health system, including in health financing, to meet the objectives of the “Concept on health development of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2019-2023”. WHO supports the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Government of Uzbekistan in introducing health financing and service delivery reforms underpinned by digitalization. […]


Dynamic modeling tool development to track Primary Health Care (PHC) spending based on SHA 2011 methodology

Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, TFYR, Spain / Health Accounts, Primary health care / Applied Research, Modeling, Software development

The World Health Organization developed a Primary Healthcare (PHC) definition for tracking and comparing PHC expenditures globally. However, if tracking PHC expenditure is supposed to inform national health policies (e.g., prioritize PHC in government budgets), the PHC definition should be tailored to the national context as key national stakeholders deem it appropriate. Tailoring PHC definition […]


Assessment of Moldova’s Healthcare System with the view of shaping further Swiss support

Moldova, Republic of / Development aid, Governance, Health Systems / Evaluation

The Swiss Cooperation Office in Moldova (SCO) intends to carry out an assessment of the Moldovan healthcare sector. The services were solicited to shape the Swiss-supported health domain interventions under the upcoming 2025-2028 Swiss Cooperation Program for Moldova. The assessment was expected to inform the design of Swiss support to the Moldovan healthcare system by […]


An exploratory study of tracking rehabilitation-related expenditures in Georgia for improving the Systems of Health Accounts (SHA) 2011 methodology

Georgia / Health Accounts, Rehabilitative care /

The Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator (Accelerator) is a global initiative funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through a Cooperative Agreement, with co-funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Results for Development (R4D) lead the Accelerator. The Inclusive Development Hub of USAID’s Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation (DDI) has […]


Support the development of the Prioritized Investment Plan (PIP) of the Strategy on Healthcare of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan up to 2030

Tajikistan / Health financing reforms, Health Information, Human resources in health, Information, Primary health care, Strategic planning / Costing and budgeting, Planning

The Global Financing Facility for Women, Children, and Adolescents (GFF) is a multi-stakeholder global partnership housed at the World Bank. The GFF supports 36 low and lower-middle-income countries with catalytic financing and technical assistance to develop and implement prioritized national health plans to scale up access to affordable, quality care for women, children, and adolescents. […]


The end-of-phase external review of the Medical Education Development Project (phase 1) in Ukraine

Ukraine / Human resources in health, Medical education / Evaluation

The Swiss Cooperation Office Ukraine (SCO) mandated the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) to implement the Main Phase 1 of the Medical Education Development in Ukraine Project (MED). One of the most fundamental tasks of the Medical Education Development Project was to support the overall health system reform with appropriate Human Resources […]


Technical assistance to the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan on optimization of the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) home visiting services with the focus on diet diversification

Turkmenistan / Home visiting, Maternal and child health, Monitoring and evaluation, Performance assessment, Primary health care, Service delivery / Capacity building, Evaluation, Training

The UNICEF country office (CO) in Turkmenistan selected and commissioned the consortia of the CGC and International Step by Step Association (the Netherlands) to assist the health authorities in scaling up the delivery of home visiting services to improve maternal and child health (MCH). The team comprised of three specialists (in the health system and […]


Long Term technical support to produce and institutionalize the System of Health Accounts (2011) in the WHO European Region

Albania, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, TFYR, Moldova, Republic of, Montenegro, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan / Health Accounts / Applied Research, Costing and budgeting, Mentoring, Software development

World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe commissioned Consulting Group Curatio Sarl to work with the WHO Barcelona for Health Systems Financing to assist the countries in the European region in (i) institutionalising the System of Health Accounts (SHA) in their routine information systems and producing health accounts (HA) on a routine base including disease […]


Independent verification of disbursement linked indicators (DLIs) under the World Bank-supported “Primary Health Care Quality Improvement Program” (PHCQIP) in the Kyrgyz Republic

Kyrgyzstan / Health Systems / Evaluation

Joint Financiers of the project “Primary Health Care Quality Improvement Program” (PHCQIP) in the Kyrgyz Republic contracted Oxford Policy Management (OPM) to verify independently results reported by the country (the Ministry of Health and the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund) against the targets for each Disbursement Linked Indicator (DLI). OPM commissioned CGC to establish an independent […]


Technical support to produce and institutionalize the System of Health Accounts (2011) in former Soviet Union countries and the Balkans

Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, TFYR, Moldova, Republic of, Tajikistan / Governance, Health Accounts / Costing and budgeting, Mentoring, Software development, Training

The objective of the project was to continue to support the World Health Organisation (WHO) Barcelona Office in: Providing technical support to the selected countries in the WHO European Region to institutionalize the System of Health Accounts (SHA) in  their routine  information systems and to  produce  health accounts (HA) on  a   routine base including disease […]


Technical assistance to improve the data quality for health expenditure tracking in selected countries in the WHO European Region

Albania, Montenegro, Ukraine / Health Accounts, Health Care Financing / Applied Research, Capacity building, Mentoring, Planning

The main purpose of this project was to support the WHO Barcelona Office in filling the gaps in data on health expenditure for the Regional report. In particular, the CGC team was expected to track missing data on health spending and improve data quality in three countries of the WHO European Region (Albania, Montenegro and […]


Technical support to the World Health Organisation in the development of paediatric quality of care indicators

Not country-specific / Maternal and child health, Service delivery / Applied Research

The Maternal Newborn Child and Adolescent and Aging (MC) Department of World Health Organisation (WHO) commissioned CGC to refine and finalize paediatric quality of care (QoC) indicators based on the review the inputs received by WHO from various experts around the world. CGC was required to deliver the following products: A final set of the […]


Support to produce and institutionalize the System of Health Accounts (2011) in former Soviet Union countries and the Balkans

Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, TFYR, Moldova, Republic of, Montenegro, Tajikistan / Health Accounts, Health Information / Applied Research, Mentoring, Software development, Training

World Health Organisation (WHO) Barcelona Office for Health Systems Strengthening commissioned the CGC team to support selected countries in the production of Health Accounts (HA) based on the System of Health Accounts 2011 (SHA2011) methodology. The assignment included three objectives: Provide technical support in the production of HA production (including disease expenditures) for the latest […]


Provision of health accounts technical support to countries in European region and in the improvement of the disease expenditure distribution methodology for the global HA purpose

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Republic of / Health Accounts, Health Care Financing, Health Systems / Capacity building, Evaluation, Planning

World Health Organization (WHO) provides technical assistance to Member States to produce and institutionalize the health accounts including disease expenditure consistent with the reviewed system of health accounts methodology (SHA 2011). WHO also publishes high-level health expenditure aggregates on the Global Health Expenditure Database (GHED). Where gaps exist, WHO estimates missing data using macroeconomic series. […]


Support in the development of a Health System Strengthening (HSS) applications to Gavi

Tajikistan, Uzbekistan / Health Systems, Systems strengthening / Planning

Gavi commissioned Consulting Group Curatio Sarl to assist the Ministry of Health and the National Immunization Program (NIP) in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in developing country proposals to submit to Gavi for approval the objective of significantly increasing the coverage and equity of the current immunization program. The CGC team was requested to work closely with […]


Independent mid-term review of the regional TB REP project

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Republic of, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan / Tuberculosis / Evaluation

CGC conducted an independent mid-term review (MTR) of TB in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Project on Strengthening Health Systems for effective TB and Drug-Resistant (DR)-TB Care (TB-REP Project), funded by the Global Fund (GF) and implemented by Centre for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center). TB-REP Project is implemented in eleven countries with high […]


The end of phase I evaluation of a Health Facilities Autonomy project in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan / Governance, Primary health care / Evaluation

The Embassy of Switzerland in the Kyrgyz Republic, on behalf of the Federal Department of the Foreign Affairs (FDFA) of the Swiss Confederation, contracted Consulting Group Curatio Sarl to carry out an external evaluation of the Health Facilities Autonomya project in Kyrgyzstan in April and May 2018. The evaluation aimed to assess the results of […]


Public health/programmatic, and Monitoring and Evaluation services to PricewaterhouseCooper country Local Fund Agent (LFA) teams

Moldova, Republic of, Montenegro, Ukraine / HIV & AIDS, Tuberculosis / Costing and budgeting

As a member of the PricewaterhouseCoopers Local Fund Agent (LFA) country teams, the CGC team was in charge of programmatic aspects and performance monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Global Fund HIV and Tuberculosis grants in Moldova, Ukraine, Montenegro, and Romania. The CGC team, as an integral part of PricewaterhouseCoopers LFA country teams, […]


A study of financial and non-financial incentives in health sector in Sudan

Sudan / Human resources in health, Service delivery / Capacity building, Evaluation, Planning

The overall objective of this assignment was to design financial and non-financial incentive models for different health cadres to implement the integrated roadmap for healthcare delivery in Sudan. The main objective of the consultancy was to analyze the current incentive models for health staff in the MOH, including staff working for different public health programs […]


Technical support to multi-partner assessment missions to Romania and Philippines (conducted on behalf of the Middle Income Country (MIC) Task Force)

Philippines / Immunization / Evaluation

CGC provided technical assistance on the documentation and reporting during a non-Gavi Middle-Income Country (MIC) assessment mission in Romania. The country engagement assessment mission was conducted to engage Romania and Philippines in identifying and documenting the main challenges across the areas of decision making, political commitment to and financial sustainability of immunization, demand for and […]


Development of a five-year Comprehensive Multi-Year Plan for immunization program, health system strengthening proposals to Gavi and a Program Support Rationale Document in Bangladesh

Bangladesh / Financial sustainability, Immunization / Costing and budgeting, Planning

CGC provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh in the Development of a five-year Comprehensive Multi-Year Plan for immunization program, health system strengthening proposals to Gavi and a Program Support Rationale Document in Bangladesh. The CGC team was responsible to for the following tasks by key deliverables: A Comprehensive Multi-Year […]


Develop a Concept Note on the use of root cause analysis for strategic planning while supporting Jordan and Yement country teams in the strategic planning for immunization

Jordan / Immunization / Planning

To support countries in the development of their immunization plans, WHO and UNICEF in collaboration with other partners have developed guidelines for developing cMYPs and guidelines and tools for costing and financing cMYP, to facilitate the countries in this process. Based on the recent assessment of the ten-year experience of development of cMYP at the […]


Assessment of Immunization Financing and Sustainability of the National Immunization Programme in Mongolia

Mongolia / Financial sustainability / Costing and budgeting

Mongolia government requested WHO to conduct a Review of the National Immunization Programme (NIP), with a particular focus on data management, immunization financing, and sustainability. The EPI review was conducted by a team of international and national experts. The assessment of immunization financing system and sustainability was carried as an integral component of the EPI […]


Support to the MOHFW of Bangladesh in the development of a Health System Strengthening (HSS) application to Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization Gavi

Bangladesh / Systems strengthening /

The GCG team supported the planning wing of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), Dhaka, Bangladesh to revise the Bangladesh”s application for GAVI Health System strengthening (HSS) support 2016-2020 application, and develop a new one in response to Gavi IRC recommendations, in close collaboration with WHO Representative to Bangladesh and Medical Officer Expanded […]


Development of a Comprehensive Multi-Year Plan (cMYP) for Immunization in Viet Nam

Viet Nam / Financial sustainability / Costing and budgeting, Planning

The purpose of the consultancy service was to provide technical support to conduct/facilitate a process to develop five-year comprehensive. The CGC was expected to provide technical support to Viet Nam by facilitating consultations between key in-country stakeholders and provide technical inputs at each stage of cMYP in accordance with the WHO-UNICEF Guidelines for Comprehensive Multi-Year […]


Development of a Comprehensive Multi-Year Plan (cMYP) for Immunization in Lao PDR

Lao People's Democratic Republic / Immunization / Costing and budgeting, Planning

The purpose of the consultancy service was to provide technical support to conduct/facilitate a process to develop five-year comprehensive. The CGC was expected to provide technical support to Lao PDR by facilitating consultations between key in-country stakeholders and provide technical inputs at each stage of cMYP in accordance with the WHO-UNICEF Guidelines for Comprehensive Multi-Year […]


Development of a comprehensive multi-year plan for immunization in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea / Immunization / Costing and budgeting, Planning

The main purpose of the assignment was to provide technical support to in-country stakeholders in the development of a five-year comprehensive plan for immunization in Papua New Guinea (PNG) through a participatory process. The CGC team was requested to design and cost out the plan as per laid down WHO guidelines and standards, adapted to […]


Support the Ministry of Health of Timor-Leste in the development of a comprehensive multi-year plan 2016-2020 for immunization

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The CGC team in close collaboration with the WHO Representative (WR) to Timor-Leste and the Medical Officer, Expanded Programme on immunization (EPI), WHO Country Office (WCO), Timor-Leste developed a five-year Comprehensive Plan (cMYP) 2016-2020, for the Ministry of Health, Timor-Leste. Actual services provided Preparatory activities and situational analysis: Review background documents and identify issues for […]


Development of a Comprehensive Costing Plan for EPI vaccines in Bhutan

Bhutan / Immunization / Costing and budgeting, Planning

The CGC team assisted the Government of Bhutan and WHO Country Office in the assessment of the gaps and challenges within the Immunization Program and to identify critical program weaknesses, and financing issues (including financial sustainability) In addition, the team of experts helped the Ministry of Health and National Immunization Program staff to estimate cost […]


A multi-country analysis of the financial sustainability of National Immunization Programs, and the development of financial sections of National Immunization Plans for 2016-2020

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Republic of, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan / Financial sustainability, Immunization, Systems strengthening / Costing and budgeting, Evaluation

The CGC team of 4 experts in health systems and immunization financing assisted the national immunization programs/ health officials and WHO country offices in 7 countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan) in carrying out a costing and financing exercise followed by a financial sustainability analysis of comprehensive multi-year plans for […]


Technical support for the development of a comprehensive multi-year plans for immunization (cMYP) of Expanded Programme on Immunization EPI in Nigeria

Nigeria / Immunization / Costing and budgeting, Planning

The overall objective was to help National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) and partners to review the current draft of the cMYP 2016-2020, logistics forecasting and the cMYP costing tools, and provide a final draft of the cMYP that will be presented to Interagency Coordination Committee (ICC). The consultancy service entailed the following specific […]


Development of Comprehensive Multi-Year Plan cMYP for immunization and Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization Health System Strengthening (HSS) support Application for Somalia

Somalia / Immunization / Evaluation, Planning

WHO HQ and WHO CO for Somalia contracted the CGC to assist the National and Zonal Governments of Somalia in strategic planning and development of Health System Strengthening (HSS) application to Gavi. The consultancy services were provided in two blocks under separate contractual agreement. Technical support in cMYP development The objective was to develop 3 […]


Health Sector Study in Turkey

Turkey / Health Systems / Evaluation

The objective of this assignment was to provide the European Investment Bank (EIB) with an independent, comprehensive and coherent review and appraisal of the Turkish health sector, in order to serve as the context and framework for EIBa’s potential future lending operations in the health sector. Actual Services Provided: Review and appraisal of readily available […]


Support to the Supreme Council of Health of the State of Qatar in the development of National Health Account report 201

Qatar / Health Accounts / Costing and budgeting, Evaluation

The objective of this engagement was to provide specialist expertise to Health Financing and Insurance Department, Health Insurance Section of the Supreme Council of Health to produce the System of Health Accounts (SHA) Report for the state of Qatar for 2012. The CGC team carried out the following activities as defined in the service agreement: […]


Revision of the comprehensive Immunization Multi-Year Plan (cMYP) in Lao PDR

Lao People's Democratic Republic / Immunization / Costing and budgeting, Planning

The purpose of these assignments was to provide technical assistance to Lao PDR health authorities in applying for GAVI new vaccines support and by responding to the last conditions outlined in the Gavi Independent Review Committee recommendations. More specifically, CGC was required to revise the costing and financing sections to include resource requirements for vaccines, […]


Comprehensive study in HIV area in the Kyrgyz Republic

Kyrgyzstan / HIV & AIDS / Planning

The purpose of the assignment was to conduct a comprehensive study in the HIV area to evaluate the progress in the implementation of the State Programme on stabilization of the HIV epidemic in the Kyrgyz Republic (2012-2016; to identify the gaps and losses in the continuum of HIV service provision for PWID for further refocusing […]


Strengthening the CCM in Belarus governance and compliance with the Global Funda’s eligibility criteria

/ Governance / Evaluation

The purpose of these assignments was to strengthen the CCM in governance and compliance with the Global Funda’s eligibility criteria. The technical support was provided in 2 phases: Phase I – Diagnostics of the compliance of the CCM governance structures, regulations and processes with the revised GF eligibility requirements with recommendations on the measures to […]


External Review of Global Fund grants in the Republic of China

China / Development aid, HIV & AIDS / Evaluation

the main objective of the external review was to evaluate updated grant documents of the consolidated Round 3 HIV/AIDS Rolling Continuation Channel (RCC) grant with R4, 5,6 and 8 by looking at the national and provincial strategic analysis documents, which were developed by the Chinese authorities in response to the GF imposed conditionality on the […]


Health Facility Masterplan Development in Tajikistan

Tajikistan / Primary health care, Strategic planning /

The overall purpose of this consultancy was to assess the current situation regarding the healthcare infrastructure and to support the government with elaborating an appropriate health sector master plan to establish a comprehensive network of outpatient and inpatient care facilities throughout the country. The CGC expert was responsible for developing the implementation plan, including annual […]


Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Health of Macedonia Community nursing assessment with equity analysis

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CGC supported the Ministry of Health in assessing of the community nursing system, particularly focusing on the following issues: Human resource development policy, including distribution and turnover rates of the community nurses throughout the country; Coverage and utilization rates of community nurse services and estimation of children/families being under-served; Assessing preconditions to ensure quality of […]


Regional capacity development in HIV/AIDS program management in Central Asia

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The objective of the assignment was to contribute to the development of a regional capacity in HIV/AIDS program management through development of training curriculum/materials, provision of training of trainers and developing manuals in proposal design, project management and financial management. Actual services provided Reviewed legal requirements for the financial management and reporting for non-governmental organizations; […]


Study on Child Poverty in Georgia

/ / Evaluation

The purpose of the Child Poverty Study in Georgia was to increase the understanding of major problems of child poverty and relevant country-specific solutions among key stakeholders including policy makers, the donor community, and civil society. It was believed that the study will contribute to evidence-based policy making on child poverty and wellbeing issues in […]


Integrated Delivery Network (IDN) Development Strategy for private investors in Georgia

/ / Costing and budgeting

The goal of the assignment was to develop a comprehensive “blueprint” for IDN development in Georgia. The proposed plan served as a roadmap for the Investor’s entry into and establishment on the healthcare market. Actual services provided CGC developed and delivered a strategy document (Strategic Plan), which included (but was not limited to) the following: […]


Upgrade/Modernization of the Contract & Case Management (CCM) System – CCMSoft development for the private insurance company

/ / Planning

A private insurance company JSC Archimedes Global Georgia (AGG) contracted CGC to upgrade CCM Soft for contract and case management system introduced a year earlier. The purpose of the assignment was to accelerate introduction and development of modern technological approaches and management practice necessary to ensure efficient and effective delivery of quality services to meet […]


Contract and Case Management System Development for a private health insurance company

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The goal of the assignment was to develop a comprehensive Contract and Case Management (CCM) system for the private insurance company, determined by the client’s needs, priorities, and capacity. Medical Insurance Group “Archimedes Global Georgia” (AGG) started operation in 2007. Company’s main product was health Insurance. The consultancy was conducted as a participatory process when […]


Assessment of Perinatal Care Services in Georgia

/ / Costing and budgeting

In response to the Government of Georgia request, UNICEF country office for Georgia commissioned an assessment of the perinatal system with the purpose to identify gaps in provision of the effective perinatal services in terms of appropriate facilities, skilled staff, equipment, supplies and transport. The study was expected to supply evidence for the policy and […]


Joint Needs Assessment of the health-Sector linked to the armed conflict in Georgia

/ / Costing and budgeting

The purpose of this assignment was to conduct a needs assessment for the health sector and to consolidate understanding of the immediate and mid-term needs in Georgia linked to the armed conflict in Georgia (South Ossetia region). The CGC experts in close collaboration the Ministry of Health (MoH) and health partners, conducted the needs assessment […]


Strengthening Healthcare Finance Management Capacity in Tajikistan

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The goal of the assignment was to assist the Government of Tajikistan in capacity building of the Ministry of Health through the provision of trainings in healthcare finance management. CGC as a sub-contractor under Mott MacDonald Limited, trading as HLSP, was required to develop modules of training: (i) for training of trainers, and modules for […]


Development of a Health System Performance Framework, Monitoring & Evaluation Framework in Azerbaijan, and build the capacity of of the Ministry of Health in respective areas

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The overarching goal of this assignment was to assist the Government of Azerbaijan (GoAz) in the development and introduction of a proper system for monitoring and evaluation of the health system reforms, which will enable the GoAz to assess the appropriateness, effectiveness and impact of reform initiatives and apply necessary corrections of the reform course […]


UNAIDS 5 Year Independent Evaluation – Kazakhstan Country Study

/ / Planning

The overall purpose of the 5-year Independent Evaluation was to assess the efficacy, effectiveness, and outcomes of UNAIDS (including UNAIDS Secretariat, the PCB, and Cosponsors) at the global, regional and country levels. HLSP Ltd as the organization leading the Independent Evaluation, contracted CGC for a Kazakhstan Country study. The study results fed directly into the […]


National Influenza Pandemic Preparedness (NIPP) plan development in Georgia

Georgia / Avian Influenza / Costing and budgeting

The goal of avian influenza and human pandemic preparedness and response National Plan was to: reduce economic losses in the poultry sector, limit sporadic human cases and diminish the likelihood of an eventual human influenza pandemic during WHO pandemic alert level 3; and minimize serious illness and overall deaths. The CGC team was contracted to […]


Costing of the Comprehensive Health Strategy in Tajikistan

Tajikistan / Strategic planning / Costing and budgeting, Evaluation

IBF Int Consulting has subcontracted CGC to provide technical assistance to the health authorities in costing out the Comprehensive Health Strategy in Tajikistan (EU-supported initiative). The specific objective of this assignment was the delivery of costed out, a financially realistic and cost-effective National Comprehensive Health Strategy. Another specific objective of this assignment is to provide […]


Health Sector Strategy Development in Tajikistan

Tajikistan / Policy and reforms / Planning

These consultancy services aimed to support the formulation of health sector strategy and ensure government ownership of the Strategy and the process. The CGC team (sub-contracted by YozuMannanion Limited/UK) was responsible to: Ensure development and agreement of the Strategy’s mission, goals, and objectives based on the health system’s values in Tajikistan and clear sector priorities. […]


Review and redesign of Uzbekistan Health System Strengthening (HSS) application to Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization > Gavi

Uzbekistan / Systems strengthening /

The objectives under this assignment were to focus on the review and re-design of the objectives, approaches, interventions, budget, implementation arrangements, monitoring and evaluation components, in order to build a consensus among the key stakeholders and to achieve maximum alignment of the Gavi HSS applicaiton with the ongoing WB/ ADB health reform project. In order […]


Strategy Development and Management Strengthening of “All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS”

/ / Planning

The purpose of this consultancy was to support “All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS” (AUN) in the development of a long-term Strategic Plan, and provide detailed recommendations on governance arrangements along with recommended policies and procedures for effective governance and management. Actual services provided Evaluation of current governance structure (Supervisory Board, Coordinating Council, membership, […]


A mid-term review of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic Prevention State Program in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan / HIV & AIDS / Evaluation

CGC conducted a mid-term review of the State Programme to prevent the HIV/AIDS epidemic and itsâ social and economic consequences in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2006-2010 upon a request of the Ministry of Health (MoH) of Kyrgyzstan and with financial support of Central Asian AIDS Project (CAAP). Actual Services Provided: The preparatory phase: Discussion and […]


A multi-country survey of health institutions for the assessment of access to Disposable Medical Tools (DMT)

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan / HIV & AIDS / Applied Research, Evaluation

The overall purpose of this assignment was to assess the situation with regular, sustainable and multi-variant (not only syringes) access to Disposable Medical Tools (DMT) in institutions primarily working with HIV-positive patients and partner institutions (infectious hospitals, emergency rooms, pediatric wards) in 4 countries of the Central Asia region – Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. […]


Technical assistance to the MoH of Kazakhstan in working out areas 2 and 4 of the National Programme on Health Sector Development

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p>The overall purpose of the consultancy was to assist the MoH in the finalization of the National Programme and development of a precise action plan/budget within two key areas: the key area 2 – “Further strengthening health status of population and decreasing the level of main social diseases with an emphasis given to prevention, screening […]


External Review of the â Mother and Child Health Programme, Phase Iâ in Ukraine

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This external review provided evidence for public accountability and transparency, as well as for the improvement of future SDC projects and programmes in general and the MCHP next phase in particular. Using the programme documents and log frame, operational plans, budget, progress reports, monitoring visits reports and other relevant project documents as well as interviews of […]


Twinning Arrangements for Health Financing Capacity Building and Strengthening of Strategic Purchasing

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Under the twinning arrangement, CGC experts provided services to the Ministry of Health, Health Departments of Local Governments as well as the Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade in the following four areas: Capacity Building for Health Policy and Strategy Development. Strengthening health budget formation, planning and monitoring at […]


IDOM Moldovan Institute for Human Rights capacity-building needs assessment

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The overall purpose of this assigment was to assist Moldovan Institute for Human Rights (IDOM) in the identification of capacity gaps, prioritization of capacity building needs and preparation of a proposal of capacity-building interventions to address them. Therefore, consulting services entail with the following scope of work: Development of a capacity-self assessment tool tailored to […]


Facilitation of the Regional meeting of CCMs

/ Governance / Facilitation

The main objective of this regional workshop was to strengthen CCM members and stakeholders’ understanding of the six minimum requirements for grant eligibility and of CCM Core functions, and strengthen CCM members and stakeholders’ understanding of the importance of the CCM Secretariat’s function from proposal development to grant closure. Actual services provided: Proposal development and […]


Support in organizational development of the East European and Central Asian Union of PLWH

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The objective of this consultancy was to support the East European and Central Asian Union of People Living With HIV (PLWH) in Organizational Development. Actual services provided: Development of the unified methodology for the capacity assessment of PLWH organizations – members of the Client’s organization; Assessment of the performance of PLWH organizations in 10 countries […]


uman Rights in Health (HRH) NGO Coalition capacity needs assessment

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The main purpose of this assignment was to assist HRH Coalition in the identification of capacity-building needs and preparation of a proposal to OSI/OSGF to carry out capacity-building interventions to meet these needs. Assignment consists of three phases: Preparatory phase: development of a capacity-self assessment instrument tailored to local specifics and helpful to identify concerns […]


Facilitation of the national consultation workshop for finalization of the Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Strengthening (MESS) action plan

/ / Evaluation

The objective was to provide assistance in facilitating and providing technical support to a stakeholder workshop for finalization of the national M&ESS Action Plan for the TB program in Azerbaijan. This consultancy involved liaising with Global Fund Portfolio Management, Principal Recipients, Local Global Fund Agency, National Tuberculosis Programme and other key stakeholders; facilitation of the […]


Strengthening the CCM in Albania in complying with the Global Fund eligibility requirements

/ Governance / Evaluation

The purpose of these assignments was to strengthen the CCM in Albania in governance and compliance with the Global Fundâs eligibility criteria. Actual Services Provided: Assessment of the effectiveness of the CCM’s existing governance structures and processes including the conflict of interest policy in light of the revised CCM Guidelines. Assistance to members of the […]


HIV/AIDS & Migration

Tajikistan / / Costing and budgeting

The HIV/AIDS and migration component was designed to mitigate the risks of HIV and STI in a context characterized by cross-border seasonal migration and human trafficking in Rasht Valley, Tajikistan. This will be done by supporting local governments, non-government organizations (NGOs), and communities to develop and implement an integrated and gender-responsive approach to HIV/AIDS and […]


Costing and financing of the comprehensive multi-year plan

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The main purpose of this regional assignment is to Calculate/estimate cost of the 5 year plan (multi-year plan) on immunization for 7 countries. Specific services provided: 1.To identify scenarios to cover separately each planned major activity of the cMYP; 2.To collect costing and financing data and information and to cost different scenarios of the drafted […]


Identification of health insurance and medical service provision market

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The purpose of this quick market appraisal was to help potential investors to get better understanding of the insurance and health care markets in Georgia: opportunities of an investment and main challenges. Within the framework of the assignment, following analysis have been carried out: 1) Analysis of the insurance market in Georgia with emphasis on […]